Sunday, April 26, 2009

Kermit Got it Wrong. It IS Easy Being Green!

Go Green Classes is your #1 source for simple, affordable tips on how to improve your health, wealth and environment.

Did you know that by reversing into a parking space instead of driving straight in could save you 25% on fuel? The reason is that you can drive straight out on a cold engine, instead of maneuvering on a cold engine. It's more efficient and greener. If everyone in a medium-sized city caught on to this money-saving/earth-saving tip, we could collectively save a much more interesting total of $15 million every year!

Did you know that cooking in a slow cooker for 7 or 8 hours uses 1/3 of the energy than cooking in an oven?

Learn so much more, including information about deforestation, and how to teach your children to live greener, too.

Plus, Go Green Classes offers the valuable informational eBook, "Go Green...Save Green At The Same Time." This eBook includes 125 Ways To Save Money ... and Still Be Green! No matter what life style you have today, everything you need to know about saving money and helping the planet is all in this book

There are so many different ways to be Green while saving Money. Most of them you probably never even thought about, and most of them are free to do.

This book has crucial information. It will teach you everything you need to know on how to Go Green and Save Green in just about every aspect of your life. From the simple to the complex, this book has it all.


  1. Please tell me that is a star fish.But really I enjoyed your site

  2. Sure is a starfish. I took the picture myself on Commencement Bay in Tacoma WA, in the Great Pacific NW.
